VUDU Promo Codes
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Give these Just-Expired VUDU Coupons & Deals a Go
Feel free to try one of these VUDU coupon codes that may still work.
VUDU: 60% off Select Rentals
Expires on 01/05/2020
Receive 50% off at VUDU
Expires on 09/24/2022
Save 10% on Gift Cards with this Coupon
Expires on 06/01/2024
Receive 15% off Gift Cards at VUDU
Expires on 03/31/2024
Just in: Rent Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour for Only $20 !
Expires on 03/03/2024
VUDU Coupon: 10% off Gift Cards
Expires on 03/01/2024
VUDU: Free Shipping
Expires on 02/01/2024
Take 10% off Gift Cards at VUDU
Expires on 02/01/2024
VUDU Best Deal of the Season - 45% off Triple Threat Set Bundles
Expires on 01/06/2024
VUDU Discount: The Little Mermaid from $5.99
Expires on 01/04/2024
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Final Sale! Get up to 80% off Clearance & Closeout Deals with this Offer
Expires on 12/31/2025
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Useful tips and information
How can I increase my savings at VUDU?
Grab a VUDU promo code
Whether you're in the mood for streaming a comedy special, binge-watching a season of "The Sopranos," or purchasing a documentary, the VUDU discount codes on our list are easy to redeem. Here are some of the top codes that VUDU has sent us in recent months:
VUDU coupon codes: Save up to 30% off streaming rentals.
VUDU discount codes for movie bundles: Enjoy 25% off qualifying movie collections.
VUDU promo codes for the holidays: Grab a pair of holiday movies for less than $10 with these mix-and-match discount codes.
VUDU coupons: Take up to 60% off the regular price of qualifying rentals.
Getting a handle on the basics of your VUDU discount code
How do I claim the discount with my VUDU promo code?
Once you sign up for an account at, you can claim your VUDU coupon code's discount quite fast. Here's what to do if you haven't rented or purchased from VUDU before:
Click the Sign In link on
When a button appears saying, "Create a new VUDU account" at the bottom of the sign-in box, click that button to make your account.
Find the movie or television show that you'd like to rent or buy.
Pick an appropriate coupon code from our list.
Go back to, click "Redeem" in the top-right corner, and enter your code in the only box on the next page.
What do I do if my VUDU coupon code doesn't work?
The submission box will give you an error message that tells you to re-enter your code if there is an issue. If the website is rejecting your VUDU promo code, then try all of the following:
Does this VUDU code promise a discount on both rentals and movies? See if you need to change your order type.
Check your VUDU code's expiration date to see if you've still got time to use the code.
Clean up any spelling errors.
More great savings hacks for VUDU
How do I get to VUDU's sale page?
VUDU has an entire section of free movies and television shows in several genres. To visit this page and see what they've recently put up for free viewing, click the "Free" tab on Inside your account, there's also a VUDU sale page for weekend deals on movies and up to 25% off special media bundles. In addition, VUDU usually takes at least 15% off the purchase price of most films during their Thanksgiving sale.
Does VUDU include free shipping with my purchase?
VUDU's free shipping policy is determined by their parent company. Orders over $35 usually come with free shipping, and the current policy includes Blu-Ray discs, DVDs, and all other physical media.
Is there a VUDU military discount?
Right now, the VUDU military discount is limited to their Veterans Day sale. We're hoping that VUDU offers more military discounts in the coming months, so stay tuned for updates on the latest developments.
Are there any VUDU cash back deals?
We haven't received any notices about upcoming VUDU cash-back deals, and they don't currently offer any type of customer loyalty program.
Is there an extra VUDU student discount I can use?
VUDU has a lot of codes that you can redeem if you're a student, but we don't know of a special VUDU student discount program.
Are there VUDU newsletter coupons and perks for new customers?
VUDU gives you early access to feature-length movies when you sign up for their free newsletter, and email subscribers get up to 25% off film collections in addition to other VUDU newsletter coupons.