Teleflora Discount

Teleflora Promo Codes

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    Save 30% in February 2025

    If you want to order flowers online and surprise a special someone in your life, you should head on over to Teleflora. Get fresh flowers delivered straight to the lucky recipient's door or even order funeral flowers at Teleflora. Also check out the daily deal!

    Take 30% off Sitewide

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Get 20% off with Newsletter Sign-Up at Teleflora

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Save Big: 20% off Sympathy and Funeral Flowers

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Teleflora Coupon: 20% off Deal of the Day

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Save 20% on Get-Well Flowers with this Coupon

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Save NOW: 20% off Fall Flower Collection

    No expiration date

    Save 20% on Newsletter Signup with this promo code

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Teleflora Promo Code: 15% off New Baby Flowers & Gifts

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Save NOW: 15% off Birthday Flowers and Gifts

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Save NOW: 15% off Flowers

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Take 15% off All Anniversary Flowers and Gifts at Teleflora

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    $15 off Birthday Flowers and Gifts

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    $10 off Bouquets with Teleflora Promo Code

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Teleflora Promo Code: 5% off all Orders

    No expiration date

    Save NOW: 5% off Sitewide

    No expiration date

    Take 5% off Sitewide at Teleflora

    No expiration date

    Up to 30% off Promo Code Flowers Arrangements at Teleflora

    No expiration date

    Every Code Manually TestedOur team tests our codes daily

    Give these Just-Expired Teleflora Coupons & Deals a Go

    Feel free to try one of these Teleflora coupon codes that may still work.

    Receive 20% off Father's Day Flowers at Teleflora

    Expires on 06/18/2023

    $70 off with this Coupon

    Expires on 05/31/2020

    Teleflora Promo Code: $15.28 off

    Expires on 10/11/2024

    20% off Your Order

    Expires on 10/11/2024

    Save Big: 20% off Flower Collection

    Expires on 10/11/2024

    Teleflora Coupon: 30% off Your Purchase

    Expires on 10/11/2024

    Save NOW: 20% off all Orders

    Expires on 10/11/2024

    15% off Flowers with Same day delivery

    Expires on 10/11/2024

    Receive 15% off Birthday Flowers & Gifts at Teleflora

    Expires on 10/11/2024

    Receive 20% off Your Purchase at Teleflora

    Expires on 10/11/2024

    Are we missing a coupon?

    Submit new coupon

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    Save Big: 50% off Your Order

    No expiration date

    Save Big: 45% off Mrs. Fields Happy Heart Day Mini Box

    No expiration date

    FTD Savings: 30% off all Orders

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    1-800-Flowers Promo Code: 30% off Military Discount

    Expires on 12/31/2025

    Available Teleflora Online Discount Codes for February 2025


    Teleflora Coupon Info

    Expires on


    Take 30% off Sitewide



    Get 20% off with Newsletter Sign-Up at Teleflora



    Save Big: 20% off Sympathy and Funeral Flowers



    Teleflora Coupon: 20% off Deal of the Day



    Save 20% on Get-Well Flowers with this Coupon



    Save NOW: 20% off Fall Flower Collection

    Valid indefinitely


    Save 20% on Newsletter Signup with this promo code



    Teleflora Promo Code: 15% off New Baby Flowers & Gifts



    Save NOW: 15% off Birthday Flowers and Gifts



    Save NOW: 15% off Flowers


    Useful tips and information

    Teleflora Coupon

    How much can I save in the clearance section?

    There is not a Teleflora clearance section. Teleflora prides itself on working with local florists to give customers access to the freshest flowers. You may find lower prices on certain products with daily specials.

    How can I get free shipping?

    Looking for free shipping Teleflora promotions is helpful because the site charges a delivery fee. You'll pay $10 per order for delivery on any order you make. You'll usually find free delivery Teleflora promos around Mother's Day and other big holidays.

    Are there any first order discounts?

    Get a good Teleflora first order discount when you agree to receive emails from this site. You can sign up through the box on the bottom of the homepage, which just asks for your email address. Make sure that you check for your first promo code before you shop from Teleflora.

    How can existing customers save?

    The newsletter has some nice Teleflora existing customer discounts. You will get new emails from the flower delivery site every week. Though some simply include info on new products, others come with coupon codes. Some of the top codes pop up around holidays when shoppers send flower bouquets and arrangements to their loved ones.

    What benefits do rewards members receive?

    It's easy to join the Teleflora rewards program, which does not charge a sign-up fee. You get 25 points just for becoming a member and a $5 coupon when you earn 50 points. Upgrade to a premium arrangement when you reach 200 points. Teleflora also allows you to use your points to waive your delivery fee. Members also get 100 points when they refer their friends and 50 points on their birthdays.

    How do I get cashback?

    Teleflora cashback programs are available when you have and use your ID.ME account. If this is the first time you bought from the site, you get 4.5% back. Existing or returning customers get 2.5% back through their accounts.

    Is there a friends and family sale?

    There is not a Teleflora friends and family sale. You can refer your friends to get bonus points as a rewards member though.

    What is the return policy?

    The Teleflora return policy asks you to do a few things to get your money back. You need to start the process as soon as possible and return the product within seven days of its delivery. Teleflora only gives you two days to return flower arrangements and other perishable goods.

    Using your Teleflora coupon

    To use your Teleflora coupon code, add at least one bouquet or another item to your virtual shopping bag. The Teleflora checkout process is easy and has a designated spot for your code. Enter it in that box and click on the “apply” button on the side of it. Teleflora should accept the coupon and show your new order total before you finish checking out.

    Having trouble with your coupon?

    No matter which Teleflora promo code you use, you may find that it won't work. If this happens, you can try different remedies:

    1. Look at the expiration date as many discount codes only work for a few days or a limited time.

    2. Check for format and spelling mistakes that keep Teleflora from accepting the promo code.

    3. Verify that you don't have any excluded products in your order like certain bouquets.

    Are there more ways to save?

    The Deal of the Day is an easy way to save at Teleflora. The options change from day to day but include low prices on tons of flower arrangements and gift baskets. You may even find low prices on custom products and new coupons. Teleflora will work with a local florist to deliver anything you buy. Check out some other handy ways to save at Teleflora:

    1. Use the Couponbox newsletter to find even more savings and the top promo codes.

    2. Try one of the expired coupon codes we share as you might find a working code.

    3. Take a look at some of the other great deals you can use at similar sites like FTD and 1-800-FLOWERS.